Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Stage Direction

Today, when we were learning about stage directions, Dr. Edwin asks of us to think about how to act out a few dialogues with very few stage directions. He chose a few groups to demonstrate and it was a nice experience alright. By just manipulating with the intonation a bit, we can know whether the relationship between both characters is close or not. I also found out that that same dialogue can also be played by three actors. There is not much difference when they are three actors as when there are two. He also gave us an example from other class about a chicken writing on the sand using his feet and another one trying to figure out what he is doing. Another example is two prisoners in two different cells trying to make friends. To me that is really creative. Most of us never really go beyond that, I think. Even my partner and I did the same as the few chosen groups to act out. The setting of our conversation is in a café drinking coffee and the characters are journalists.

1 comment:

suynn said...

I will be responding on Syakira’s blog regarding the stage directions. I would like say that I agree with her view that even though lack of stage directions, the text we learn that day can change instantly just by changing its tone and other’s perspective views. The amazing part is that the text was short but it can have three speakers to act out. This also proves that we can use the same text but with a bit of creative touch, it can be a different text after all. Besides that, since we still students and lack of experiences, many of us had interpret the text similarly. Finally, I would say that by the end of the semester, we will learn more of what we know now.